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2910 Haggerty Lane, Irving, TX 75062

Dr. Frederick Turner will be giving a public lecture on Lyric Poetry in conjunction with the Cowan Archive's seminar series this Fall. This is a wonderful opportunity to see each other in person and hear "Dallas's unofficial poet laureate" speak about something utterly timeless -- poetry! 

All are welcome, regardless of seminar participation. Dr. Turner has suggested that participants read "Among School Children" by W. B. Yeats before the lecture, as he will be concentrating on it in his talk; the poem can be found here.

Dr. Turner is a poet, a cultural critic, a playwright, a philosopher of science, an interdisciplinary scholar, an aesthetician, an essayist, and a translator, as well as the author of twenty-eight books including Genesis: an Epic Poem and Beauty: the Value of Values

The event will be live-streamed for off-campus guests. To receive the Zoom link the day of the event, register using this form

A reception will follow in the Thompson Loggia. 

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